Ramona Whaley, The CAT’S EYE Project Director and Founder
Born in Kentucky in 1940, Ramona Whaley came to DeLand, Florida in 2003 via Orlando 15 years and Ormond By The Sea eight years.
A lifelong journalist, she wrote feature stories for several Kentucky and Florida newspapers and city magazines before going to work for The Apopka Chief in Apopka, Florida, for which she has written the past 28 years.
Besides job and animal advocacy, her time goes into working on a book (for Peace Corps’ March 1, 2011 celebration of its 50th year) about the impact of Peace Corps service on her fellow 1960s Peace Corps pioneers’ lives and where life took them in the half century since leaving their assigned country Guatemala. (It took her to animal rights advocacy.)
An animal activist since coming to DeLand, she united her two passions –literature and animals – to create The CAT’S EYE Project, a three-part project (publication, blog and speaker’s bureau) dedicated to stopping the killing of healthy kittens, cats, puppies and dogs by counties’ barbaric and obsolete animal control policies.
The publication, blog and speakers’ bureau will via artful and literary presentations educate the unaware mainstream public to the hard facts of life and death for thousands of innocent doomed dogs and cats via annual kill contracts funded by unaware or uncaring taxpayers.
Creating No-Kill Counties is the goal of CAT’S EYE, an acronym for Counties’ Alliance To Sterilize and End Yesteryear’s Euthanasia.