Just one of countless local TNR Success Stories
Purr-fectly happy” seems the best summing-up of all the many positive comments from Arctica’s
Trap-Neuter-Return Colony’s visitors about the well-being of resident felines there.
That’s good, because like all good soldiers, the Arctica’s Colony cats have done their duty well.
And now, after a decade of distinguished service in a neighborhood TNR colony, these veterans just want to go home. For most, when that miracle finally happens for them, it will be a matter of “Going Home” for the first time ever!
That is because the majority of these Arctica’s Colony kitties never in their lives so far ever had opportunity to experience a real home life in which he or she was the one-and-only little family “pet” and the center of attention. Sure, their loving colony-keeper held, hugged and lavished luxurious amounts of affection, protection and praise on these babies every day of their colony life. That’s just never quite the same as being the one-and-only sole recipient of that so well deserved adoration.
These little guys yearn for the gilded life lived in a one-pet family, or maybe a really large human family with lots of animals appreciating family members, all with plenty of leisure time to divide among just two or possibly three pets at the very most and, of course, with economic resources and wisdom to properly provide for pets’ many needs. They know such legendary good human folks really do exist.
Well, at least, they’ve read that such marvelous creatures do truly exist out there somewhere and that that all the legend-and-lore about them are not just manufactured myths parent cats and dogs make up to amuse their kitties and puppies.
If you think you qualify as an adopter of and can give a good home to an Arctica’s Colony kitty and would like to schedule a meetand-greet-the-kitties tour of Arctica’s Colony, please contact the Colony caregiver at 1-386-740-0651.
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In January, 2011 the following plea for SANCTUARY ran in this publication. We are asking you
to please read it again now.
Just a little Volusia County land – just temporary use of it, not ownership – can save thousands of lives and millions of dollars. The numbers of healthy, innocent puppies and dogs, cats and tiny kittens being killed annually by Volusia County and its cities’ local governments are still in the thousands and taxpayers are still stuck with paying the exorbitant cost of these killings we don’t want!
Yet, these heartless killings are not making even a dent in our out of control pet overpopulation crisis. Obsolete animal control policy is not controlling the problem!
Citizen volunteers’ alternative solutions – spaying-neutering, trap-neuter-return, fostering and adoption – are succeeding, but cannot complete the transition to a No-Kill animal control-and-care system until sanctuaries are established for relocating sterilized animals that don’t get adopted and cannot be returned to their original outdoor homes.
Animal activists are begging our county council (working with our city governments) to provide property for sanctuary.
Council members appear to be listening and considering. Council knows hundreds or thousands of this county’s citizen volunteers who already give time, energy and most of our income to saving cats and dogs by our own means gladly will help care for animals housed in sanctuaries. Readers, please confirm – quickly! --via phone calls, letters and emails to your Council representative that a Volusia sanctuary is needed!
Pet overpopulation can be contained without killing. San Diego proved it decades ago. Other cities across America copied. Jacksonville-Duval is proving it. Our time is now! Sterilization of all pets – which can cost as little as one-third the million dollar cost of killing – and sanctuary, backed up by
smaller trap-neuter-return colonies, is the solution.
In a few years, killing our surplus pets will be only a bad memory. Our only concern will be how could we have been so barbaric in the past? There will be peace for our pets and a clear conscience for us humans. Hurry that day.
Tell County Council we need a sanctuary!
Volunteers are needed to assist with the animals. Our trained Animal Control Officer needs to be
free to do his job. Volunteers are needed to do housekeeping, walking and being with the animals.
Petting a scared kitty. Calming a confused dog. They need YOU.
Hard working Volusia animal activists, please just keep on doing what you’re doing.
Should-be volunteers not yet helping, please sign on soon.
So many helpless animals so greatly need our help!
Happily, we are winning this war we’ve waged against our national tragedy of senseless and barbaric killings of healthy, happy, innocent kittens, puppies, cats and dogs, eight million of these wrongful deaths annually nationwide, with taxpayers forced to fund this atrocity!
And, we Volusians, are not alone in our war on the misnomer “euthanasia” of healthy animals at equally misnamed shelters that more accurately are kill-sites.
All over the USA others are choosing the same alternative solutions for replacing “euthanasia” that we are working on here – spay and neuter, TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), fostering and adoptions, sanctuaries and education programs about those better ways of controlling animal overpopulation, without killing.
Some places even very successfully operate community thrift shops and other fundraising projects to help finance an end of the killings.
Whenever one of our lovely animals dies, because we Volusia animal workers could not save it from euthanasia in time, however, the sadness makes us feel we are indeed so very alone and helpless,
Even in painful times like that, Volusia’s animal-work volunteers can at least find some comfort in knowing it is our never-ending efforts that are creating the positive changes happening here.
Our rescue and care of animals and our adoptive- homes-finding for “surplus” pets with no place to be are already starting to create those essential changes here. We’re even influencing the way uninvolved others in our communities treat our non-human-species animals.
Volusia’s dedicated animal activist volunteers are indeed saving the lives of great numbers of wonderful, deserving little animals!
At the same time, however, many of us are paying such a heavy personal price for all those precious saved lives and for the safety of all those animals rescued and tended with such good care.
Non-stop, never-ending daily rescue-and-care routines for achieving our No-Kill goal are exhausting and never ending. That can be very tough on us.
After so many years of such endless hard work and monetary and other personal challenges and sacrifices involved in this work, so many of us are just SO TIRED! WE ARE SO VERY, VERY TIRED!!!
Free time? What’s that? No, no, of course not. No such thing exists in our lives these days.
We will not stop doing whatever it takes to save the animals’ lives, not until our No-Kill goal is reality, not until the animals are safe. Just keep on keeping on, fellow animal activists! We have to, for our animals.
“It’s all about the animals,” summed up one heavily involved volunteer.
She couldn’t have summed up better for all of us our feelings about that..
The No-Kill War to end official killings of our “surplus” pets as an ineffective and outdated animal control policy IS being won, but too slowly. Meanwhile, too many of our innocent healthy pets are still dying needlessly. There is only way to end the wrongful killings soon.
More volunteers must join in the work to make this right and just cause reality.
Please join in today this lives-savings crusade for justice for our pets who so unselfishly give their all to making us humans happy.
Join and work with any of the many local animal rescue efforts throughout Volusia and neighboring counties.
In Volusia’s county seat, DeLand, you won’t have to look far to find a vital animal rescue site where the role you play can help save large numbers of animal lives.
The City of DeLand two years ago courageously and mercifully stepped up and took the lead locally, in switching from the antiquated and merciless killings of a darker era of history to today’s kinder, gentler, more sensible and certainly more economical (to taxpayers who formerly financed the kill-contracts!) way of doing animal population control.
The secret of DeLand’s Second Chance program ‘s success is all of its hardworking and dedicated volunteers who labor endlessly to find adoptive homes for every cat, dog, kitten, puppy or other lost, abandoned or independently-surviving lost pet picked up by the city’s animal- control-and-care department.
The city is justifiably very proud to report that not one pet picked-up by its animal control has been killed since its Second Chance program. replaced the earlier system in which the city had to fund huge sums for out-of-town kill contracts for ridding the town of its pet pests.
Local animal advocates are elated with Second Chance’s success in saving formerly doomed animals’ lives and they are investing in its continued success by giving all the time, energy and hard labor they can to keeping Second Chance alive.
These Second Chance volunteers’ never-ending hard work has kept Second Chance and great numbers of rescued cats, dogs, kittens, puppies and other animals alive these difficult beginning years. It is time now to give these dedicated humans a break, even just a little rest now and then. It is time, as they say in the old westerns-and-war -movies, for the cavalry to ride in.
Rescue, in the form of new recruits, is now essential for the weary folks who got all this started years ago and who have been working too hard too long.!
Please join one or more of the several area rescue groups working with Second Chance or just call Second Chance and ask what you can do to help there.
There are so many ways, from the essential chores involved in keeping the Second Chance haven clean to walking the dogs and calming scared kittens.
The saving of precious lives depends so much on the decision of those reading this to take on a vital lives-saving role in this citizens’ effort to stop the killing!
Just VOLUNTEER! The rest will fall in place.
TO VOLUNTEER, CALL: Respect for Pets 386-985-1100 ARK 386-738-2771 CAT’S EYE 386-740.0651